Implementation: Taking Patients on Surgery Liens

You may very reasonably ask, just how much bother and disruption will there be to my standard administrative procedures. Actually, there is very little impact on your front-office or back-office processes. You treat. You bill. You send your bills to us. We purchase those bills from you. Our payments are without-recourse and risk-free. You close the account. We handle all the ins-and-outs of collection. You have a happy patient and we have a satisfied client.

Additionally, you may be wondering about whether you can get some immediate cash acceleration for those pesky liens that are clogging-up your A/R. We will be happy to accept a sampling of existing claims, currently secured by a lien, for our review. MedFin™ will return a detailed report of the assessment of these claims and make a specific, non-obligated offer for your consideration. You are free to decide for yourself what is in your best business interest.

You may also be wondering whether MedFin™ will introduce its Consensual Lien and Facilitation Program to your facility’s physician partners, as a way of increasing their business, and yours. Definitely! We are happy to participate with you on a physician outreach campaign. Contact us today and we’ll get a plan in motion!

If you are a Surgery Center Administrator or Owner with questions, or you are interested in obtaining further information about our valuable service, please do not hesitate to email or call us toll free at (800) 238-5541.

Our staff is professional, knowledgeable, friendly, and focused on providing outstanding customer service.